Online Review Policy


Gatas Real Estate Team Online Review Policy


The Gatas Real Estate Team  is dedicated to transparently publishing customer feedback and reviews. This policy applies to reviews submitted by customers and/or through 3rd party review sites monitored on the platform. We reserve the right to remove posts, comments or reviews that violate our content policies.

Reviews may be removed if they mention or contain:

Personal and confidential information;

Vulgarity or offensive language;

Sexually explicit content;

Threats/dangerous content or content that harasses others;

Hate speech;

Discriminatory content;

Unverified customers;

Off-topic or unrelated reviews (such as wrong location, use of someone else’s experience, etc);

Spam, advertising or solicitations:

Illegal or unlawful content;

By submitting feedback or a review, you are allowing The Gatas Real Estate Team to use that content for marketing or advertising purposes.